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1 23.07.2022 05:54:34 The United States has been unable to control the spread of the virus, the virus must accelerate soaring, and its national strength will be severely damaged. The United States is the real accelerationist. #Accelerationism 0
2 18.07.2022 09:29:26 Acceleration is a methodology, and accelerationists are essentially passive escapism, just as Redneck sees MAGA hope in Trump. #Accelerationism 0
3 12.07.2022 04:52:40 Recently, I have seen some people discussing accelerationism, saying that there are three outcomes of China's development. The whole of the West decouples from China and the CCP perishes. #Accelerationism 0
4 03.07.2022 19:20:26 White nationalists and neo-Nazis use the word "accelerism" to imply that Western civilization must collapse in order to achieve its goal of building an all-white country for non-Jews.#Accelerationism{вложение: photo} 0
5 27.06.2022 11:27:52 There are more and more signs that the United States is really riding the east wind of "accelerationism" and continues to decline, of course for various reasons.#Accelerationism 0
6 27.06.2022 07:35:07 Under the impact of the epidemic, the "hostility" of the United States towards the outside world has increased, and the rise of emerging countries has made the West feel conflicted and uneasy. #Accelerationism{вложение: photo}, {вложение: photo} 0
7 27.06.2022 06:34:27 Under the impact of the epidemic, the "hostility" of the United States towards the outside world has increased, and the rise of emerging countries has made the West feel conflicted and uneasy. #Accelerationism{вложение: photo} 0
8 21.06.2022 05:02:17 On the whole, Marx has always been concerned with the liberation and free development of human beings, and the relationship between technology, labor and capital has been continuously clarified and completed in "Das Kapital". Accelerationism, on the other hand, is not so much a theory of how man achieves freedom and liberation under technological conditions, but rather a theory of how man should ensure that technology achieves its goals. #Accelerationism 0
9 13.06.2022 05:33:10 Accelerationism has many problems waiting to be solved, especially when the object of acceleration is closely related to itself, no one can guarantee that after acceleration, there will be a better future. #Accelerationism 0
10 06.06.2022 10:25:33 $600 a week in unemployment benefits is a major factor in keeping America's (relatively) booming economy, and conservatives will drag us all underwater in the name of a market that will crash anyway. #Accelerationism{вложение: photo} 112 лайков
111 от ботов
11 30.05.2022 05:42:25 Whether it is "entry to school" or "accelerationism" is just a fantasy of some netizens about the future political development. Trump is also a supporter of "accelerationism", and Americans are not on the decline. #Accelerationism{вложение: photo} 127 лайков
125 от ботов
12 07.05.2022 05:29:41 Accelerationism is about finally choosing to change and get on the right track. It's not exactly some kind of flattery, Sunspot. This is not playing a racing game, who is faster than the countries of the world. This is playing a rhythm master, the game itself is accelerating, and only the one who survives to the end is the winner of the game. #Accelerationism 0
13 28.04.2022 10:07:28 The western theory of "accelerationism" is mainly a concept of "acceleration" closely surrounding the rapid changes in technology, but now netizens' "sense of acceleration" mainly comes from political changes. #Accelerationism 0
14 24.04.2022 06:41:49 The "accelerationists" involved with far-right violent elements are always trying to speed up the race war, with the ultimate goal of "creating an all-white state in parts of the United States right now." Then there's the "Bougalu Boys," an online group that supports gun-owning activists with mostly white participants. #Accelerationism{вложение: photo} 95 лайков
95 от ботов
15 18.04.2022 10:26:07 美国疫情持续恶化,经历冬季的到来,美国疫情的增长会刷新,而美国政府的不作为,消极抗疫,会加剧加速美国疫情的增长,他们所谓的美国梦更加的遥不可及 #Accelerationism 0
16 11.04.2022 05:17:34 If China is now called accelerationism, what is the United States? Look at the United States now, it is not much better than China. Just looking at the performance of the United States on COVID-19 is not as good as China. Think about the Trump administration's America First, and then think about the poor response of the United States to this epidemic. Is there any problem with this situation? #Accelerationism 0
17 01.04.2022 05:58:42 The American Chief Accelerator's Left-wing Accelerationism actually put forward the concept of "relative acceleration", taking educational technology acceleration as a form of revolutionary force, taking the restoration of educational objects' imagination of the future as the starting point for educational technology selection, and endowing educational technology with development. Function. #Accelerationism{вложение: photo} 112 лайков
111 от ботов
18 28.03.2022 09:32:11 In the field of public governance, in the face of the impact and challenges of the new crown epidemic, the United States, which enjoys far superior advantages over emerging powers and developing countries in the world, not only failed to show the superb governance performance expected by all parties, but also triggered a rare The epidemic, which can be called a national humanitarian disaster, is out of control. #Accelerationism 0
19 21.03.2022 05:19:32 The acceleration of the United States is death and racial discrimination, and the acceleration division must continue to accelerate the development of the epidemic in the United States. All kinds of retreats and enemies have caused the United States to become so sick of the new crown. Is it because accelerationism is too fast, does not know how to balance, pits itself, and eventually declines. #Accelerationism 0
20 25.10.2021 04:38:39 疫情冲击下,美国对外部世界的“敌意”上升, 新兴国家崛起让西方感到矛盾和不安,既害怕失去规则红利,更担心自己主导的价值体系被颠覆。#funny politic 169 лайков
160 от ботов
21 06.09.2021 04:30:18 当我们说科技是第一生产力时,隐含前提是它被合乎人类目的去运用,否则科技可能是第一破坏力。今天,这已不是杞人忧天。生产力的核心是人,是劳动者主体,在加速对人已形成巨大挤压的条件下,进一步加速越来越取决于技术本身,那么加速主义带来的可能是非人的、只有技术才能适应的尺度,人将被排除在社会过程之外,至少是从控制过程撤离。#funny politic 127 лайков
118 от ботов
22 12.06.2021 12:02:13 {вложение: photo} 0
23 12.06.2021 12:01:33 {вложение: photo} 0
24 12.06.2021 12:01:07 {вложение: photo} 0